Make it Go Right

Make it Go Right Roman general Julius Caesar liked to sail his ships into enemy territory, unload his troops and then burn the ships. He eliminated all means of retreat. His army had no choice but to win, which it did. He accepted no excuses. You have the choice to...


The Power of Responsibility No One Wins the Blame Game We have all blamed other people for our problems, at some point. “My parents were alcoholics which is why I have a learning disability.””If the weather wasn’t so hot, I’d pay my bills.””See...

The Secret for Building a Cash Surplus

The Secret to Saving Money​​ If you had saved 10% of your income since you started working, how much money would you have right now? For example, if you work for 20 years making an average of $25 per hour, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year for a total of $1 million...

Table of Contents

Joe dfsa fsda  wq Steve Fred BusinessRelationships Search for: Work Income blurb blurb text jfdksl;jf dl;ajf da;j fdslaj dfsl;afj ;aklfj da;f...

How to Solve Money Problems

How to Solve Money Problems How do you solve money problems? Stop spending Worry Blame someone or something Give up Go further into debt Sell a possession Become depressed Complain Cheat or steal Hope someone will just give you the money you need Of course, these...