The Victim Story Trap A victim story is what you sometimes use to explain your troubles and failures. It describes why...
The Fear Habit
How to Break the Fear Habit Imagine lying in your bed, wide awake, thinking about future problems. "What am I going to...
Present-Time Power Slideshow
Present-Time Power SlideshowPower Is in the Present Do you constantly think about the future? Does tomorrow seem...
Mood Boosters
Mood Boosters As explained in the “Emotional Tone Scale,” the higher your tone level and better your mood, the greater...
Christmas Story
How Joe Almost Ruined Christmas Joe is a great guy with a huge ego. Even though he actually is very smart, he does not...
Focus Power, Part Two
Focus Power, Part Two Note: You can read Part One of “Focus Power” at Getting Focused...
Be Sane, Have Fun!
Be Sane, Have Fun! “An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they’re fun is a very sane...
The Emotional Tone Scale
The Emotional Tone Scale The Emotional Tone Scale, discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, is a powerful tool that gives you...
Boost Your Success By Thanking People
Boost Your Success By Thanking People "Approval and validation are often far more valuable than material rewards and...
Enjoy Your Work
Enjoy Your Work Some people say, "You have a good job if it pays you a lot of money. Nothing else matters." Others...
Are You Strong Enough to Be Wrong?
Are You Strong Enough to Be Wrong? Most people find it hard to say, “I am wrong.” Can you say it? When faced with...
What Happens if You Exclude People?
What Happens If You Exclude People? Have you been banned from a group? Have you been treated like a second-class...