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TipsForSuccess subscribers are located all over the world. They include all types of professions, ages, races, religions and political views.

They are all above-average success-minded social, helpful people who constantly find and use new ways to succeed.

At TipsForSuccess, we are dedicated to our subscribers’ happiness, wealth and power!

Subscriber Comments

“In this day of email glut and information overload, I welcome every issue of my online subscription to TipsforSuccess. Many of our staff, family and friends apply the information and exercises to very good effect in our businesses and lives. It’s said advice is cheap, but yours is worth a million!! Please keep it coming!” — Jan Houston-Solari, President, Solari Communications, Burbank, California

“Tips for Success has been a positive tool in my personal and work life. I am a Boeing 747 Captain and find many of the “tips” useful in creating an optimum environment for my crew and I to work in. Tips For Success provides real solutions to coping in a sometimes insane world.” — Chris Canicosa-Miles, Airline Pilot, Honolulu, Hawaii

“I am a commissioned corps officer in the US Public Health Service. We are undergoing reorganization and re-engineering to accommodate the need for increased public health protection in this country. I recently presented a talk at one of our meetings and was stuck on some important concepts to share that would encourage corps members to grow and change. Your articles on “Passion” and “Challenge” were great! Many of us in the corps will be deployed to serve our country in ways we have not done before. Your inspiration will help us meet these new challenges! Thank you!” — Mary Gessay, US Public Health Service, Dallas, Texas

“I am really grateful to you for sending me the articles. They are really worth reading and very helpful in my daily work place.” — Saima Ali Naqvi, Human Resources, Development Studies and Practices IDSP-Pakistan, Quetta, Pakistan

“Your last article came just in the right moment (a difficult one). Thanks, and keep me on your (highly fortunate) mailing list.” — Itzhak Solsky, Concert Pianist, Tel Aviv, Israel

“I have been a subscriber to TipsForSuccess since its inception and I have found the quotes from L. Ron Hubbard insightful and very helpful to me personally and especially to my clients. The application of these basic truths in the form of explanatory stories is a very effective way to get a point across so that it can be used in real life, real business situations. As a professional speaker and trainer for the past 25 years, I have read and subscribed to many, many helpful newsletters but none have had the impact on my clients and especially to those who are being introduced to the works of L. Ron Hubbard for the first time. Highly recommended.” — Arte Maren, President, The Advisory International, Clearwater, Florida

“I like reading Tips for Success: The articles are succinct, they are straight to the point without too much theory and are – apart from interesting reading – a real eye-opener and of great assistance, when I come across a problem that needs to be handled effectively.” — Michael Wecke, Human Resources Manager, CENTRA Auckland Airport, Auckland, New Zealand

“I translate TipsForSuccess.org articles for a newspaper publisher, Danny Vidislavski, who then publishes them in an Israeli newspaper that reaches 360,000 people each week. These articles are simply amazing! These are not articles which are just a fun read for the first time and that’s it. They are so great, I enjoy reading them the second time as well (while translating). These are the kind of things which make me say while reading things like ‘Wow, I must remember this forever!'” — Erez Zukerman, Translator, Tel Aviv, Israel

“I look forward to my Tips for Success every week. I find the articles very easy to read and uplifting. And they give me a weekly objective to improve some aspect of life. Keep up to great work!!” — Chip Marshall, Store Manager, Annandale, Virginia

“I like to get your weekly articles because they are always about real situations with really workable advice and lots of examples and “how to apply” tips. I have given several of the articles to a temporary labor agency I deal with, and the manager told me he copies them, puts them out for the workers, and all the copies get taken. So I am not the only one who sees something I can actually use in these articles!” — David Holt, President, Holt Enterprises Inc., Los Angeles, California

“I had some long-term problems in my life and with these articles I found sound solutions for them. I think these articles embrace all parts of the life. The article about being professional has helped a lot. In my work I have been more successful after applying these articles.” — Laszlo Lange, Training Director, Budapest, Hungary

“I look forward to getting Tips For Success by email. I find the data to be very interesting and something that I can use on a daily basis. Keep them coming.” — David Morse, Chairman, David Morse & Associates, Glendale, California

“This edition is very rich and excellent, you are great. You may never know the extend at which you impact positively on people. Keep up the good work.” — Francis Haruna, Abu, Engineer, MTN Communications, Abuja, Nigeria

“I consider Tips for Success to be a wonderful service, extremely useful and tons of help in handling day-to-day situations with such great practical suggestions for using a workable technology in every day life. I’m always happy to see a new issue! Please keep publishing this. It’s GREAT!” — Ruth Everson, Artist and Author, Baltimore, Maryland

“This newsletter has been a revelation in my life. At first, I just used every one of them in the week I received it, and since I got a lot of results with them, I started sending them to everyone in my address book, and some of them started to use them as well. Now I have a folder where I keep the past Tips in, and when someone I know has a problem in some area of their lives, and asks me for help, I simply find the one that applies to the situation and send it to them. So many people have thanked me for this “breath of fresh air”, as they put it, that gives them down-to-earth tools to handle problem areas that they encounter in life. I want to congratulate you for this excellent initiative, and hope that your site and Tips will be around for a LOOOONG time.” — Bruno Bergeron, Landscaping Systems Technician, Loveland, Colorado

“Thanks very, very much for all these good things you send across the world. The layout of your articles is excellent too. Keep up the good work with the knowledge that it is very much appreciated.” — Bill Verhulst, Electronic Engineer, Aichtal, Germany

“This is a very good series. I am using the data and forwarding it.” — Michael Carey, Financial Planner, Westcliffe, Colorado

“I look forward every week to getting such informative tidbits that I can use in life right at that moment. I have followed the steps with great success. These are “gems” of information that make life much easier. My office personnel love it, too. We are a happier office as a result!” — Pat Dulleck, Real Estate Broker, San Jose, California

“I find the articles from Tips For Success so valuable, I enthusiastically look forward to receiving them each week. Despite my extremely full schedule, I always take the time to read your articles. As I read them, I constantly think of others who I know would benefit greatly from this information. I wish everyone had access to this free newsletter, as it would make their lives easier, more productive. It is an invaluable tool for able people who desire to become more able, and to be able to then help others to increase their abilities and success in life as well. Please continue.” — Dr. Freddie Ulan, Founder, Natural Health Improvement Center, Glens Falls, New York

“Tips for Success has been a wonder for me personally. I continually work with people in establishing and expanding businesses and handling things in their personal lives. The changes in attitude and the willingness to handle the exact situation skyrockets and the resultant prosperity is always evident.” — John Bell, International Consultant, Vancouver, British Columbia

“The Free TipsForSuccess e-mail information line is not just motivational or theoretical. The Tips published each week focus on the most basic pitfalls in business thinking, managing, and interpersonal relationships. Each Tip gives, not a hopeful promise, but a basic understanding of what causes that pitfall or problem.” — Joanne Cali, Executive Coach, Datil, New Mexico

“Tips For Success is a very down to earth way of viewing life. The tips are practical and easy to use in handling some of the things that come up in life that can leave one a little stumped. I highly recommend it.” — Judy Weigand, JW Real Estate Investment, Tampa, Florida

“Love your articles! What a fantastic resource you have established. Among the avalanche of e-mails I receive, I always look forward to reading Tips For Success with the great quotes from L. Ron Hubbard and your practical real-life examples.” — George Alger, President, Artists For A Better World International, Hollywood, California

“The TipsforSuccess is a really helpful tool. This newsletter makes the weekend even more interesting and it’s a excellent good time to get it then and have a good time to study it. Thanks for that work.” — Dieter Gugerli, Commercial Office Staff, Switzerland

“I’ve been receiving your newsletter for over a year now. In my organization we’ve been using these tips to create a more-than-expected success. Thanks.” — Ozzie Freedom, Founder, Sane Computers Organization, Adelanto, California

“I just wanted to let you know that I used to invade my dad’s email to get your Tips, and I must say that I have enjoyed all of them. So much so, that I have signed myself. I really liked “Being Too Serious Can Drive You Crazy.” I didn’t realize it, but I was getting a bit serious about things and your little article was the perfect splash of water to make me realize it. Thanks, and please keep them coming!” — Robyn Held, Vice President, Wellness Support Network, Glendale, California