Where to Find Great Advice

Whose opinions are important to you?

Do you adopt the opinions of certain politicians? News media commentators? Famous people? Religious leaders? Your parents? Your friends?

Do you form your opinions based on what they think?

Who do you turn to when you need advice?

How do you make important decisions? Do you make them based on what others want you to do . . . or on what you want to do?

You might be happy to know that when it comes to successful living, you should listen to YOU!

“Be your own advisor, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.” — L. Ron Hubbard from “The Code of Honor

Instead of going around asking people for advice, you can and should be your own advisor. You take your own sweet time to examine the challenges you face and consider your options. You then advise yourself just as carefully as you would advise a good friend.

You soon earn a big benefit of being your own advisor. If your advice is good, you gain more and more confidence in your own opinions!

If you look up the phrase, “keep your counsel,” you see that you may keep your ideas and plans to yourself. You privately consider your needs and wants. You work things out for yourself, by yourself.

When you select your own decisions, you ask people what you should do. You decide for yourself. You base your decisions on what is right for you.

If you are wrong, you need to find this out for yourself. You can then learn important lessons and correct your decisions.

As a result, your decisions are also more likely to be right. You stand more firmly on the decisions you make, because they are yours.


1. Write down a problem for which you need advice.
2. Write down what you would do or say if someone else asked you for that advice.
3. Do those steps or take that advice.

For example, you need advice on how to handle your finances. Your bills are growing faster than your income. You ask yourself, “If a friend of mine had this problem, what advice would I give?”

You would probably tell your friend, “Hey! You need to earn more than you spend! You need to make more money! And stop spending money on stupid things. Get those bills paid off, too!”

You laugh because you already know the best answer. You take your own advice and write a plan to straighten out your finances. You keep your plan to yourself and just do it.

You are being your own advisor, keeping your own counsel and making your own decisions.

As a result, you increase your confidence in yourself. You learn to respect yourself more than ever. Your decisions are nearly always right.

You are a success!