Happiness is Power

What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When are you at your best?

“Happiness is power and power is being able to do what one is doing when one is doing it.” — L. Ron Hubbard

When you drive a car while thinking about other things, your reaction time is slower. You fail to see potential problems. According to police, inattention is the primary cause of auto accidents.

Daydreams and distractions ruin your job performance. You go on automatic and make mistakes. Because you are not giving your best, you produce less.

The ability to devote 100% of your attention to a task is difficult, at first. Yet when you start to live your life in the immediate present, in this exact moment of time, with little or no attention on the past or future, you feel more alive.

Concentrate on the period at the end of this sentence and nothing else.

Can you do it for five seconds? Fifteen? Can you do it with absolutely no other thoughts? Imagine being able to focus all of your attention on everything you do as you do it. This is power!

Staying in present time unleashes extra amounts of natural ability. For example, just before you leave on a vacation, you zero in on specific accomplishments and quickly get them done. When you only daydream about a vacation, you slow down and become less effective.

You handle conversations much better if you stay in the present. People feel you understand them when you are doing nothing but listening, with no other thought in mind.

The stronger your focus, the greater your power.

Five Tips for Your Success

Practice doing what you are doing when you are doing it in all your activities.

1. Do a simple task at your desk such as clear off some paper or write a note. Do this right now. Do absolutely nothing else when doing it. Practice this until your attention is more in the present than ever before.

2. The next time you are talking to someone, give him or her 100% of your attention. Think of nothing outside of the conversation. Notice the person’s reaction.

3. The next time you drive your car, do what you are doing when you are doing it. Don’t listen to the radio, talk on your cell phone, eat a snack, think about work or do anything besides drive. Extend your focus all around your car. Notice the difference.

4. Next time you kiss or hug someone, think of nothing else besides giving the kiss or hug. Really do what you are doing and give the person 100% affection. Try this with your spouse to see a great reaction.

5. At your job, spend a complete hour doing absolutely nothing but work. Do exactly what you are doing when you are doing it. Ignore other thoughts, other acts and other tasks. Take no breaks. Do nothing but work.

Don’t be too surprised when you learn how powerful you can be!

Learn more ways to succeed at anything.