What the Universe Gives to You

How do you spend your energy?

Do you use it arguing or yelling? Surfing the web? Watching television?

Or do you spend your energy getting more work done? Helping people? Learning new things?

“That which a person works hardest on, he winds up having. That’s one of the fundamentals of this universe. That to which he devotes energy, he finally has.” — L. Ron Hubbard


If you spend your energy on parties or sporting events, you end with memories of parties or sporting events.

If you work hardest at ruining your enemies, you end with enemies who are ruined.

If you spend your energy worrying about being poor, you end up with more worry.

If, however, you spend that same energy doing something that makes you money, you end up with more money.

If you spend your time finding a spouse, you get a spouse.

If you spend your energy learning new skills, you get new skills.

So how do you spend your energy? On what do you work the hardest?

That is what you have. Make sense?


Use this powerful idea to get what you want from life.

1. Write down three things you want. Do you want a successful business? Love? A healthier body? More intelligence? Happiness?

2. Devote your energy to those things. Work hardest on those things harder than anything else. Devote yourself to getting these three things.

3. Don’t be too surprised when you get them!