Welcome to the "50 Ways to Motivate Yourself" Slideshow!
1. Each slide describes a motivation technique for you to consider and try. Simply swipe through the slides until you find one that works for you ... and then get busy!
2. The slides are narrated so you can listen to the tips when getting ready for your day, while driving and so on. If you prefer to not hear the narrations, go to tipsforsuccess.org/motivation-tips-slideshow-no-audio or just mute your device.
3. Use this tool every time you need an energy boost. The slides appear in random order to give you fresh methods each time you use the slideshow.
4. If you want to save a slide that works for you, just take a picture or screenshot of the slide.
5. In this slideshow, we call the job, project, goal or duty you need to do your "Task."
● If you have any harmful intentions behind your task, you kill your motivation.
● See if you have negative intentions like revenge or hate or harm to somebody.
● Replace those with positive purposes, like improving your life or helping someone or expanding your influence.

● Highly-successful people not only win more often than most people, they fail more often than most people, and they learn valuable lessons from each failure.
● Each time you have a loss, find the priceless lessons you can take from the loss.
● Take advantage of these lessons by using them to go for the win.

● Write down the purpose of your task and then revise the wording until it fires you up.
● Make sure your purpose doesn't include revenge, self-destruction or harm to good people.
● Follow purposes that are beneficial, that line up with your goals and that make you proud.

● Create your own personal list of motivation tips.
● Every time you feel fired up, write down how you motivated yourself.
● Then, whenever you need to get fired up, use your list.